Jonathan: Tell me what hurt you Karen.
from Superstar (Season 4)
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(Karen rushes in to the Bronze and Buffy takes her arm.)

BUFFY: Oh! What is it? Are you ok?

JONATHAN: Karen, that's your name isn't it? I-I signed my book for you. Tell me what hurt you Karen. I can help.

(Cut to the interior of Jonathan's mansion.)

JONATHAN: Let's get you warmed up.

BUFFY: (to a policeman) What's going on, why are you here?

Policeman: Mr. Levinson, someone on your staff reported a disturbance. When I realized it was on your property I thought I'd better come down in person.

JONATHAN: That's all right sergeant. I have it under control.

Sergeant: Of course sir. Glad to see you're alright.

JONATHAN: Karen I know you're scared, but I need to hear your description again.

Karen: It was ugly - big ugly - all bent over sort of with these... huge arms and like... scabs and stuff.

JONATHAN: That must have been very frightening. I'm so sorry.

Karen: Oh! Oh! I forgot. It had a mark!


Karen: On it's forehead, like a symbol.

(Riley hands her pen and a notepad and she draws the symbol. A triangle with a six pointed star or asterisk in it. Jonathan takes the notepad and rises. His confidence and warmth have evaporated.)

JONATHAN: Well. This is a clue.

BUFFY: (sensing something is up) Jonathan?

JONATHAN: (calm) I've heard of this. It's not a demon, just a monster not much more than an animal. It sticks to the woods, doesn't come near populated areas.

BUFFY: But it did this time, it might again. (Eager) Maybe we should patrol.

RILEY: (eager) If you want me to mobilize the squad...

JONATHAN: Actually I think Karen simply startled it. Probably more afraid of you then were of it. I'll patrol but you don't need to worry about it. I can handle it on my own. Now let's see about getting Karen a ride home.

(Buffy looks suspicious.)

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written by: Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Corwin2. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 13

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