Willow saves the day
from Doublemeat Palace (Season 6)
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WILLOW: (through drive through intercom) Buffy? Are you in there? I can't see you inside. Buffy, if you're in there, the burger isn't people. They aren't even meat, it's all processed vegetables. Isn't that weird? Buffy, there's more. Something happened today ... i-it wasn't my fault. It was Amy's fault, but I feel so bad about it. It was Amy's power, but, but it felt like I was doing everything myself. And I couldn't stop. And now it's gone and I feel kinda shaky and ... like I, I need it ... Buffy? (alarmed) Buffy, something fell. (runs inside) Buffy!

WIG LADY: Visitors! How nice.

WILLOW: Missed me.

(she severs its head)

WILLOW: Buffy! Buffy, are you all right?

BUFFY: Para...lyzed, but ... I think it's wearing off.

WILLOW: (smiling) I did it! I killed it, Buffy, look!

BUFFY/WILLOW: (re demon head in meat gringer) Ewwwww.

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written by: Jane Espenson; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 16

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