Buffy: I'm doing my job
from Out of My Mind (Season 5)
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(Buffy is fighting vamps in a graveyard. Riley suddenly appears and joins the fray)

BUFFY: Riley?

RILEY: (smiling) Buffy, what are you doing here?

BUFFY: My job?

BUFFY: Watch out!

The vamp attacks Riley from behind. He kicks the vamp's legs out from under him and throws him aside. The vamp hits a crypt and slides down.

BUFFY: Never mind.

Riley punches the vampire, then stakes him.

Shot of another vamp emerging from the ground. Buffy spots him and starts forward with a yell, raising her stake.

Another person appears from the left side of the screen and tackles the new vamp, carrying him to the ground. Buffy looks bemused.

BUFFY: Why do I even bother to show up?

The two fighters get up and we see that the newcomer is Spike. He blocks a couple of punches from the other vamp, then grabs his arm.

BUFFY: Spike, what are you doing here?

SPIKE: Same thing as you and your Cub Scout here, I'll wager.

He lands a few punches and the vamp goes down. Spike turns toward Buffy with a big grin.

SPIKE: A spot of violence before bedtime.

The other vamp punches him in the face and he goes down. He gets to his knees, wiping blood from his nose. The other vamp growls. Buffy rushes forward.

Shot of Spike standing up, still wiping his nose with his hand. The other vamp attacks from the left. Buffy appears from the right, shoves Spike out of the way, and stakes the vamp.

Spike exhales loudly, and Buffy gives him a dirty look.

SPIKE: What? I softened him up.

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written by: Rebecca Kirshner; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 36

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