Angel: this isn't a spelling bee. Nobody expects you to play fair.
from The Bachelor Party (Season 1)
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(Cut to Angel and Doyle fighting vampires.)

DOYLE: (morphs to demon and then back): Man, I hate that.

(A vampire is about to brain him when Angel dusts it.)

DOYLE: I was about to do that.

ANGEL: Better get this guy home.

(Cut to corridor, Angel helping Doyle to walk.)

ANGEL: Doyle, you're stronger when you're a demon, right? Why did you shake it off?

DOYLE: I just don't like to fight like that.

ANGEL: This isn't a spelling bee. Nobody expects you to play fair.

DOYLE: It's just not my style, that's all. Want me to go with?

ANGEL: I can handle it. Just head back.

(A burly vamp with a topknot follows them.)

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written by: Tracey Stern; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
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