Dawn: Kevin called me a freak
from The Body (Season 5)
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(Dawn is crying in the school bathroom)

DAWN: Oh, god. I can't believe it.

LISA: (OS) It's not that bad.

DAWN: (disbelieving) How can you say it's not that bad?

LISA (OS) I just don't think it's that big a deal.

DAWN: Kevin Berman called me a freak in front of everybody. (shrugs) No, that's no big deal.

LISA: He didn't say you were a freak.

DAWN: Forget it.

LISA: He just said you were ... freaky. Which, you know, freaky can be ... sort of cool.

DAWN: Oh yeah. Real cool. (teary) I'm a suicidal head-case.

LISA: You know it was Kirsty. She was telling people how you were into cutting yourself, and how you-

DAWN: That's such a lie! I got cut. By accident. One time. Now Kevin thinks I'm a-

LISA: Well, that was when you were wigging out about your family, and of course Kirsty's gotta turn everything into a story. She was telling people that you were adopted.

DAWN: What a prima bee-yotch. I swear, if I could make her head explode using only the power of my mind? That's what I'd be doing right about now.

DAWN: (teary) Great. Now I look like a wet rat.

LISA: Yeah, you know you can't go out there looking all cry-faced. That'll just give Kirsty more ammo.

A bell rings.

DAWN: You know? My big sister could really beat the crap out of her. (Lisa nods) I mean, really really. (Blows her nose) Okay. What do you think? (Turns to face Lisa) Can I show my face?

LISA: You're good to go. We're gonna be late anyway.

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written by: Joss Whedon; transcribed by Joan the English Chick . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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