Cordelia: first I say 'yuck' and then I hit search
from The Ring (Season 1)
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CORDELIA: Okay, I’m in. What did Darin write down about the demon that took his brother?

WESLEY: Bald – ultra white skin – slime.

CORDELIA: There's always slime. This is why I don’t gamble. You make a small wager one day, a bigger one the next, and before you know it – Beetlejuicy albino comes a knocking! Claws or hands?

WESLEY: He wrote claw-like hands.

CORDELIA: Could be a mixed breed. Smell?

WESLEY: Sulfuric.

CORDELIA: Add a Porsche and hair-plugs and I’ve dated this guy – a lot. Other distinguishing characteristics?

WESLEY: An eerie high-pitched howl or wail. I’m assuming that’s when it’s preparing to fight or mate.

CORDELIA: Okay, first I say ‘yuck’ and then I hit search.

WESLEY: You know, by the time you get done entering all this in your fancy-shmancy database I could have located it just...


WESLEY: A Howler demon.


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written by: Howard Gordon; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited, formatted for the site and checked for accuracy by me.. Full transcript at:
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