Buffy: I need you Will, you're my big gun.
from The Gift (Season 5)
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(Magic Box. Buffy approaches Willow)

BUFFY: What have you got for me?

WILLOW: Some ideas -- well, notions, or theories, based on wild speculation. Did I mention I'm not good under pressure?

BUFFY: I need you, Will. You're my big gun.

WILLOW: I'm your -- I was never a gun... someone else should be the gun, I could be a cudgel, or pointy stick ...

BUFFY: You're the strongest person here. You know that, right?

WILLOW: Well, no ...

BUFFY: Will, you're the only one who's ever hurt Glory. At *all*. You're my best shot at getting her on the ropes so *don't* get a jelly belly on me now.

WILLOW: Well, I do sort of have one idea, but, last few days I've mostly been looking into ways to help Tara. I know that shouldn't be my priority --

BUFFY: Of course it should.

WILLOW: I've been charting their essences, mapping out ... I think... If I can get close enough, I may be able to reverse what Glory did. Like take back what she took from Tara. It might weaken Glory, or make her less coherent, or it might make all our heads explode. I'll try to work it.

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written by: Joss Whedon; I modified text from Rayne's shooting script to match televised version & my formatting.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 27

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