Willow: haven't talked to Buffy about being roomies
from The Yoko Factor (Season 4)
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(Tara's dorm room. Willow plays with a kitten)

WILLOW: Oh. I keep thinking: Okay, that's the cutest thing ever, and then she does something cuter and completely resets the whole scale.

TARA: Did you see her yawn earlier?

WILLOW: Yes! I thought I was going to die. (babying voice) Oh, I love you, Miss Kitty Fantastico!

TARA: We got to get her a real name.

WILLOW: It's so cool that she's ours. (pause) Uh, yours. That she's yours is-is cool.

TARA: She can be ours if you want?

(Willow just smiles at that.)

TARA: You still need an elective. How about . . Sophomore Level Psychology?

WILLOW: Oh. Kinda psyched out since Professor Walsh. Maybe something fun like drama. I could be dramatic.

(Willow picks the kitten up again in front of her face. )

WILLOW: (dramatic voice) You cannot have more catnip! You have a catnip problem!

TARA: (laughing) Definitely drama.

WILLOW: I haven't even dealt with the housing situation yet. Have you done anything? I hear there some off-campus places that are way cool for groups to, you know, go in on.

TARA: Oh, I just figured you'd be dorming it up with Buffy again.

WILLOW: Well, we haven't really talked about it. I used to assume we'd be roomies through grad school well into little old lady hood. You know, cheating at bingo together and forgetting to take our pills.

TARA: But?

WILLOW: But . . . I don't know. It hardly feels like we're roomies now. I mean, she's busy with Riley and I'm gone a lot too. I guess I should ask her.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; Transcribed by Joseph B. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 41

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