Shaman to Darla: I can not help you. No man can. This is not meant to be known.
from That Vision Thing (Season 3)

(The Yoro Mountains of Honduras, stormy. An old man is throwing bones in his hut)

DARLA: You're a difficult man to find, Senor. Do you know why I'm here? (The man nods) You are my last hope. I've been told you're very powerful, very wise. I tried everything and I can't get rid of it, so I ask you: what is this thing - growing inside of me? And how's it possible?

SHAMAN: The father is also a...

DARLA: Vampire? Yes! Though - not a very good one.

SHAMAN: I will need some blood.

DARLA: Well, I'll show you mine if - you show me yours.

(The shaman picks up a knife and a cup. Darla holds her hand over the cup but the shaman hesitates. With a sigh Darla takes the knife away from him and makes the cut herself.)

DARLA: Men are such babies.

(The Shaman mixes some powders and herbs with the blood in the cup.)

SHAMAN: This has never failed me.

(The rubs the contents of the bowl onto his hands then lays them on Darla's swollen belly. After a moment he is blasted backwards away from her.)

SHAMAN: I can not help you. No man can. This is not meant to be known.

DARLA: Yeah, yeah. Like I haven't heard *that* before. I guess there is only one thing left to do. Time to go visit daddy.

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 17

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