Nina to Angel: I'll go. Why on Earth would I stay?
from Power Play (Season 5)
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ANGEL: Nina.

NINA: Angel, hey.

(she hugs and kisses him)

NINA: Well, this is a nice surprise. Everything OK?

ANGEL: Can we sit down?

(they sit; Angel hands her an envelope)

NINA: Plane tickets? I don't believe it. We're getting away? This is... but I thought you didn't have time to... Oh, wait. There are 3 tickets here. We taking a chaperone? My sister and Amanda?

ANGEL: I need you to be out of here.

NINA: That's typical. You sleep with a guy and he sends your entire family out of the country. No, wait, that's actually not that typical at all. You couldn't just not call?

ANGEL: It's not safe here.

NINA: Is it ever? I want to be with you if there's trouble.

ANGEL: You don't want to be with me. You don't want to be near me.

NINA: Because I might get hurt?

ANGEL: 'Cause I'm the thing that'll hurt you.

NINA: (RE: tickets) What do you call this?

ANGEL: How can I convince you that I want to be with you?

NINA: Show me a fourth ticket.

ANGEL: OK. If I get through this... intact... I'll come for you. We'll...have time.

NINA: You're the most amazing man I've ever met, but you're a crappy liar.

ANGEL: Go. I'm not asking.

NINA: I'll go. Why on Earth would I stay?

(Nina gets her things together and walks off.)

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written by: David Fury; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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