Gunn to Hamilton: Can I have my necklace back?
from Origin (Season 5)
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(Gunn is being tortured again)

GUNN: Please...please... I'll do whatever you say--please! No! No! No!

HAMILTON: (arriving) Sorry to interrupt. I'll just need a minute.

(the demon steps away)

(Hamilton pulls the necklace off of Gunn, and Gunn comes to with a start. He sits up)

HAMILTON: (pointing) Do you know what this thing is? It's a gibbet. Has he put you in it yet? Well, he'll get around to it. Eventually, he gets around to everything down here. Mr. Gunn, I'm Marcus Hamilton, your new liaison to the senior partners, and I have a proposition for you.

GUNN: Oh, yeah?

HAMILTON: Yes. It occurs to us that you might want to get out of here. We can help with that. You know, I've been by your offices, seen your friends. Strange, there's not much activity on the... rescue Gunn front. We're not asking you for much. All we need you to do--

GUNN: (cutting him off) Can I have my necklace back?

(Gunn snatches it defiantly)

GUNN: (to demon) Come on, sparky. Let's go. This heart ain't gonna cut itself out.

HAMILTON: Thank you for your time. (walks out)

(Gunn lies back down, already forgetting)

GUNN: No, no, no, please!

(the demon gets back to work)

GUNN: Please! No! No! No!

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written by: Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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