Angel to Pavayne: Congratulations. You get to live forever. Welcome to Hell.
from Hellbound (Season 5)
captures from this scene

(Pavayne is strapped into a coffin-like standing box)

ANGEL: Sure it'll hold him?

EVE: Permanent storage. If there's anything Wolfram & Hart excels at, it's keeping their unmentionables unmentioned.

ANGEL: (to Pavayne) Congratulations. You get to live forever, unable to move, to touch, or to feel... or to affect anything in the world around you. But don't worry—I had 'em give you a window.

(he shuts the door, revealing a brick-sized window cut out of the cell door right at eye-level)

ANGEL: Welcome to hell.

(he & Eve walk off.)

Related Story ArcCredits:
written by: Steven S. DeKnight; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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