You're not going to untie me, are you?
from Eternity (Season 1)

(Angel wakes up chained to his bed.)

CORDELIA: Are you still evil?

ANGEL: Oh, I'm so sorry.

CORDELIA: Can I get another reading on that line, please?

ANGEL: Rebecca, is she --

CORDELIA: Gone. Oh, and no, she won't be keeping you on retainer as her bodyguard. I think it was the trying to murder her that lost you the gig.

ANGEL: I need to apologize to both of you.

WESLEY: There's really no need.

CORDELIA: Uh, hello?

WESLEY: It was the drugs, couldn't be helped. Things were said, it's true, but I think it best if we simply put it behind us -- move on.

ANGEL: Thank you.

WESLEY: You walk a fine line Angel. I don't envy you.

ANGEL: Wesley, nice moves up there. (Wes leaves) Cordelia --

CORDELIA: Okay, here's something I never thought I would say to you: Wesley's right. Forget about it.

ANGEL: But I really didn't mean --

CORDELIA: Yes, you did. And I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to weasel out of it. Angelus may not be the most relaxing company, but at least he's honest. Shouldn't I expect the same from the not-evil version of my friends?

ANGEL: So we're okay then?

CORDELIA: I'm too big of a person to let something so petty get in the way of our friendship.

ANGEL: I appreciate that. You're not gonna untie me, are you?


(Cordelia walks out.)

ANGEL: Wesley? Cordelia? Guys?

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written by: Tracey Stern; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by chicken_cem. Checked against source by chicken_cem and me.. Full transcript at:
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