What should we do with Manny?
from Long Day's Journey (Season 4)
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ANGEL: Any movement from the Beast while we were gone?

GUNN: Not a peep. Just wasting time trying to find ways to kill him, which, by the way, there aren't any.

FRED: Uh, that doesn't look like Semkhet.

MANNY: Semkhet's not available, sweetheart. Slight case of being ripped open to death in a cave. I don't suppose I could interest you in short, stocky orb keeper?

ANGEL: Guys, I'd like you to meet Manny, the last totem of the Ra-tet.

WESLEY: This...is a being of supreme power?

MANNY: You ought to see me in my Armani.

LORNE: What happened to the second-to-last one?

GWEN: Somebody already ripped out the toy surprise.

ANGEL: Good news is, we discovered the Beast's plan.

GUNN: Which is...?

MANNY: To blot out the sun for all eternity. You guys got john?

ANGEL: Right back there.

MANNY: Thanks, pal.

CORDELIA: Why did the small yucky man say that? He's joking, right?

ANGEL: No. Apparently there's a ritual using members of the Ra-tet to change day into night. Forever.

WESLEY: As far as evil plans go, it doesn't suck.

ANGEL: He's killed four of the five so far. I figure, we keep Manny safe, the lights stay on long enough, and we find a way to defeat this thing.

FRED: But where are we going to hide him? We need a small, controlled space.

ANGEL: Secure the perimeter. Guards on duty at all times.

GUNN: Kitchen's got a meat locker.

WESLEY: Brilliant. Let's store the one thing that'll stave off perpetual darkness in the home of the only people we're sure the demon knows.

GUNN: You know what? You got a better idea, Einstein?

WESLEY: Gimme time.

GWEN: I know a place.

CORDELIA: (sarcastically) Great, as long as it's not some non-descript tenement downtown...

(cut to a dingy, rundown apartment hallway)

CORDELIA: ...with discarded boxes in the stairwells and peeling plaster and the faint odor of dead people.

ANGEL: You know, you didn't have to come, Cordelia, if you didn't want to.

CORDELIA: Well, what if I have another vision. Better to be here with you, right?

GUNN: I'd rather be here than back at the hotel, plowing through them annoying books with the symbolic manifestos and the brilliant.

MANNY: Never trust the book or the bookies, kid. Real juju takes place on the QT. That's why you can't find this Beast, he's too powerful. I mean, taking out the Ra-tet—

GUNN: Speaking of, ain't you Tet folks supposed to be all mighty and colossal?

MANNY: The mid-day totem is man. The neutral totem, the potential of every human soul.

CORDELIA: So, you're just a guy, then?

MANNY: There's more to me than meets the eye. For example, I'm immortal. Unless I'm ritually murdered, of course.

CORDELIA: Oh, well it's too bad you came here, then. 'Cause if you're gonna be ritually murdered, it's probably gonna be in a hell-hole—

(Gwen opens the door... it's swank)

CORDELIA: (shocked) Like this.

GWEN: Come on in. My butler's already in Tahiti, so we're on our own here. I'll hit the kitchen for supplies later if I can just, well, find the kitchen.

ANGEL: (whispers to Cordelia) The Axis of Pythia—that thing I used to find you on the higher plane—it's worth 33 million dollars. I gave it back to Gwen when I was done.

GWEN: Let's get you set up in the study.


GWEN (RE: steel door hidden behind bookshelf) You never pass up a good cliché. It's equipped as a panic-room, too. 12 inches of solid steel, it's own ventilation system...


GWEN: (to Manny) You should be safe here.

MANNY: Don't worry, I ain't expecting any miracles.

GWEN: So, guard duty. What do you think. (to Angel) You and me, first shift?

CORDELIA: (to Angel) Uh, wouldn't it make more sense to split up? One super power per shift. That way if horn boy shows up, we mere mortals might stand a chance.

GUNN: Makes sense to me.

GWEN: OK then, I'll take Denzel.

GUNN: Uh, actually, it's Gunn. (grins) Not that I mind the freakishly accurate comparison, but you will keep your hands to yourself.

ANGEL: Four hours on, four hours off. Bunk down off duty, get as much sleep as we can. We're already tired. We got a long few days ahead of us.

MANNY: Hey, Gwen. Don't suppose this joint's got Skinemax?

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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