Angel: Cordelia, that beast you saw - did it have four or five claws?
from That Vision Thing (Season 3)
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ANGEL: Fred! Good to see you out and about.

FRED: It is, isn't it? Out and about. I've been forking with Gunn.

(Cordy gets hit with a vision)

ANGEL: Are you alright. -Talk to me.

CORDELIA: There is a coin and, uhm, two clawed things, it's in China town I think. An herbalist's shop.

ANGEL: Come on.

(Angel helps Cordy up, but when he puts a hand on her left shoulder, Cordy jerks away with a gasp.)

CORDELIA: I'm okay. I'm fine. It just caught me off guard a little. Ah, go find the coin. It has a hole in it.

(Cordelia goes into the bathroom. She hears a knock)


WESLEY: (through the door) Cordelia, that beast you saw - did it have four or five claws?


WESLEY: You're certain?

(Cordy pulls up her shirt and counts the claw marks decorating her belly.)

CORDELIA: Pretty certain.

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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