(MARSEILLES, 1767) Holtz: there are worse things than death, Angelus
from Heartthrob (Season 3)
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HOLTZ: Where is she?

ANGELUS: How's your health there than, Holtz? Mine's grand, thanks for asking.

HOLTZ: Where is she?

ANGELUS: (to James) He wants Darla. Bit of a thorn in his side. What she and I did to his family... (to Holtz) Tasty lot, especially the little ones. Your wife, she kept repeating on us. Of course, you know, I repeated on her a few times myself.

(Holtz hits Angel, puts a stake to him)

HOLTZ: There are worse things than death, Angelus. I can keep you alive for months, years, if I have a mind to. Now. You *are* going to tell me where she is.

ANGELUS: Lord, yes, I'm gonna tell you. Who's arguing? I don't want to suffer needlessly. (Tilts his head towards James) She's with his lass.

JAMES: Shut your mouth, you bloody coward!

ANGELUS: Hey, he's in love. It's all very passionate and befuddlin'. Tell you what, how about I give you him and the women? They're down at the docks.

JAMES: I'll kill you!

(James attacks Angelus)

HOLTZ: Kill them!

(Angel takes advantage of the confusion to steal a horse. James jumps on behind him)

HOLTZ: Stop them! Stop them, they are getting away!


ANGELUS: I think we lost them.

(James pushes Angelus off the horse)

JAMES: I'd kill you where you lay if I didn't have to get to Elizabeth.

ANGELUS: Excuse me, I'm laying here with numerous arrows in me, saving your life.

JAMES: I'll be sure to tell Darla the utter lack of concern you had for her.

ANGELUS: (yelling after him) Buy her a hat. She loves hats. Why are people always running off and leaving me? (Pulls an arrow out of his side) Am I a bad bloke? I don't think so. Not once you get to know me. (Pulls the arrow out of his shoulder.) Oh. I really need a doctor.

(Drops to the ground with a groan.)

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written by: David Greenwalt; modified from the shooting script to match telivised version by me. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 25

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