Xander to Giles: naive for a god of accoustic rock
from Where the Wild Things Are (Season 4)
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(Lowell House is a mess, deserted save for Buffy & Riley. They let go of each other and lie side by side, panting.)

BUFFY: You're, you're too far away from me.

RILEY: I'm right here.

BUFFY: (panting) You ... have to ... keep touching me...

(Rolls over and starts kissing him again. Moaning, panting. Cut to college library.)

GILES: When you called to Buffy and Riley, they didn't cry out or, or respond in any way?

ANYA: (bored) No. They're probably dead.

XANDER: Unless they're too busy doin' it to answer.

GILES: Doing what?

XANDER: You know, for a god of acoustic rock, you're ... kind of naive.

GILES: (rolls his eyes) I didn't think you meant ... In the midst of all that, do you really think they were keeping it up?

(Everyone looks at him.)

GILES: Oh, for a different phrasing.

WILLOW: Well, see, that's the thing. People all over the party were starting to act ... weird. (Quietly) Sexually.

GILES: In what way?

WILLOW: You know. (Embarrassed) Ways.

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcript by joan the english chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 34

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