Xander drives Buffy & Dawn to school
from Beneath You (Season 7)
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DAWN: Could you die? 'Cause, seriously, speaking for everybody who are me in the car right now, we're very excited.

BUFFY: Well, I'm glad for all of you then.

DAWN: I mean, it's just so cool. You're coming to school with me. You'll be, like, there the whole time. (pauses) You understand you cannot talk to me, look at me, or hang out with any of my friends, right?

BUFFY: Look, I doubt we'll be seeing each other, assuming I even half-understand my fuzzy job description.

DAWN: It's not fuzzy. You're, what, dealing with troubled kids?

XANDER: At a spanking new Hellmouth High. Please. Outside of drugs and violence and the unwanted pregnancy, and, uh, unleashing of hordes of Armageddon that comes pouring out of the school's foundation every now and then, what trouble could these kids have?

BUFFY: Guess I'll find out.

XANDER: Those kids are damn lucky having a slayer and a friend on campus there for 'em. I hope they appreciate it. I know I did. Days gone by, huh?

DAWN: I thought you hated Sunnydale.

XANDER: Yes, and no, with an emphasis on the yes. But, at least then I was dating.

BUFFY: You could be dating now.

XANDER: Yeah. Um, I don't know what's not clicking for me right now.

BUFFY: Well, there's that thing with Anya.

XANDER: That leaving her at the altar thing?

BUFFY: Yeah, that one. That's not something you bounce right back from.

XANDER: Sure it is. She bounced back to being a vengeance demon, and I bounced back to being a dateless nerd.

DAWN: Do you guys talk at all?

XANDER: I've seen her at the Bronze a couple of times. I guess there's a lot of scorned women there, making vengeance wishes on their exes.

BUFFY: I know that's where I go to get my scorn on.

DAWN: You guys need to really to ease up with the whole dating demons thing.

BUFFY: Uh, hello, I'm sorry. Wasn't that you having the smooch-a-thon with teen vampire last Halloween?

DAWN: See, this is why I don't want you talking to my friends. (sighs) Oh.

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written by: Douglas Petrie; Originally transcribed by: CariCranberry. Action descriptions & formatting edited by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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