Gunn to Fred: You stood up to Wes and said we're two adults and what we do with our personal lives is none of his business, right?
from Loyalty (Season 3)
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FRED: So I'm looking for anything suspicious. Like small dark places where somebody could get grabbed, or any blacked out cars or vans, or pale, bumpy people with sharp teeth.

GUNN: I don't think we got to worry about seeing any actual vamps, Fred. The sun's still kinda up in the sky.

FRED: Even so, as professionals shouldn't we always be aware of our surroundings?

GUNN:(excited) Hey, ring toss! You want me be all macho and win you a prize?

FRED: Charles...

GUNN: Alright. You can be the macho one. Oh! Look at that stuffed little bunny up there! Think you could win it for me?

FRED: This is so wrong.

GUNN: You're right. I don't want the bunny.

FRED: We're supposed to be working.

GUNN: No, we're supposed to be doing some bogus, half-assed recon. That's different then working.

FRED: Still. It's our job.

GUNN: Actually, this was my job. Wes never said to bring you along. Probably wanted me out and about so he could chat up my girl.

FRED: Wesley wouldn't do that. I'm your girl?

(Gunn smiles at her.)

FRED: Wes knows about us and you knew he knew and you didn't let me know?

GUNN: Come on. You know he was interested in you. And now he knows we're seeing each other, so what?

FRED: So, he's our boss, and I don't think he likes the idea of us dating while we're working together.

GUNN: He said something to you, didn't he? Well, you-you-you got my back, right? You stood up to him and said we're two adults and what we do with our personal lives is none of his business, right?

FRED: You bet I, uh - didn't. Charles, I like you and I wanna keep liking you.

GUNN: Then do!

FRED: Maybe when we're out like this we should - we should just work.

GUNN: No. Can't do it that way. Maybe I'm greedy, but I want it all: the great girl *and* the great job. I don't care what Wesley says, but I'm not giving up either without a fight. How about you?

(Fred shakes her head, her face breaking into a big grin.)

GUNN: Good. (kisses her) Now, how about we go looking for some vampires?

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