Willow to Tara: That's so weird. Your ... whole family.
from Family (Season 5)
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(A youngish guy with blond hair and a beard (Donny) is looking at the shelves.)

DONNY: Uh, are all these magic books?

GILES: Uh, private collection. Uh, books for sale are against the walls over there.

DONNY: So all these books got spells in 'em? Turn people into frogs, things like that?

XANDER: Yeah, we're building a race of frog people. It's a good time.

DONNY: So, uh... You all witches? Hey, don't do a spell on me now. (Laughs)

GILES: Was there something in particular you were looking for?

(Donny continues chuckling. The door opens and Willow and Tara enter, laughing.)

WILLOW: Her insect reflection. That is so good.

TARA: I just thought that'd be funny, you know, if her center of power was-

DONNY: Whatta you know.

(Tara sees him and stops laughing, looks alarmed. )

DONNY: What's the matter? You don't have a hug for your big brother?

(fade to black and resume ater commercial)

WILLOW: (to Tara) Brother?

TARA: Willow, this is (stutters) Donny.


DONNY: (shakes Willow's hand, smiling) Nice to meet you.

TARA: And, uh, these are my-my friends.

DONNY: What, uh, all of you hang out? Wow. That's more people than you met in high school.

TARA: How did you fi - I, I mean, how come you came?

DONNY: Well, duh, birthday girl. Uh, we came down in the camper, been all over the campus.


(Tara and Willow turn as the door opens and a man walks in (Mr. Maclay), followed by a girl about Tara's age (Cousin Beth).)

DONNY: Look what I found!

TARA: Uh, Dad, hi.

MR. MACLAY: Well, here's my girl.

(Tara hugs her dad awkwardly.)

TARA: S-such a s-surprise.


TARA: Cousin Beth.

BETH: Hey.

MR. MACLAY: One of your dorm-mates said I might ... find you here. (looking around)

TARA: Oh. Oh, um, these are, these are friends. Um, this is Mr. Giles, um, he runs the shop.

GILES: How do you do?

MR. MACLAY: Pleasure. Well, I, I don't mean to interrupt your plans, I know we've come on you kind of suddenly, but I thought we could have dinner.

TARA: Okay.

MR. MACLAY: Why don't I pick you up at six, And we'll ... do some catching up.

TARA: Yes, sir.

MR. MACLAY: (to the others) Forgive me for running out. We're double-parked.

(Mr. Maclay, Cousin Beth, and Donny leave. Tara watches anxiously.)

DONNY: (waving from doorway) Nice to meet you all.


WILLOW: That's so weird. Your ... whole family.

TARA: (smiles nervously) Yeah.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
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