Wesley: Calendula, blocked Lorne's reading
from Unleashed (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

WESLEY: You're right. It's Calendula. He must've known we'd have him sing for Lorne.

FRED: So he came prepared to block the reading. It's like taking a valium to pass a polygraph test. I knew as soon as I saw the vial in the trash can.

GUNN: How'd you end up going through Royce's trash anyway?

FRED: It was... well, Spike. He led me in here.

GUNN: Yo! Here we go! We got ourselves a secret panel.


FRED: (looking at Polaroids) Are they...? Eww! (drops them) We'll just— yeah, burning. Burning would be good for these.

WESLEY: (holding the knife) Not exactly an autopsy knife.

GUNN: (holding a paper) You're not gonna believe this.

FRED: Oh, God.

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written by: Elizabeth Craft & Sarah Fain; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited, formatted & checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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