Buffy to Joyce: Must be nice to have your whole life ahead of you
from Prophecy Girl (Season 1)
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JOYCE: Hi, honey. You alright?

BUFFY: Sure.

JOYCE: Probably just full from that bite of dinner you nearly had. Feel like telling me what's on your mind?

BUFFY: Mom, let's go away!

JOYCE: What?

BUFFY: Anywhere, just for a while, all weekend!

JOYCE: Honey, I...

BUFFY: No, it'll be great! You and me, a mother-daughter thing... We can talk about all the embarrassing things you love to bring up.

JOYCE: You know the gallery's open on weekends.

BUFFY: Mom, please!

JOYCE: Isn't the Prom tomorrow night? Or Spring Fling, whatever they're calling it?

BUFFY: I-I guess.

JOYCE: Nobody asked you?

BUFFY: Oh, someone...

JOYCE: But not the right someone. See, sometimes I actually do know what you're thinking. Well, then, uh, this probably isn't the best time for this, but, uh...

(She opens the closet to reveal a beautiful white sleeveless gown.)

JOYCE: I saw you eyeing it at the store. I figured...

BUFFY: Mom, we can't afford this.

JOYCE: The way you've been eating, we can afford it.

BUFFY: It's beautiful.

JOYCE: I think you should wear it. To the dance.

BUFFY: No, I-I can't go to the dance.

JOYCE: Says who? Is it written somewhere? You should do what you want. Homecoming, my freshman year of college. I didn't have a date, so I got dressed up and I went anyway.

BUFFY: Was it awful?

JOYCE: It was awful. For about an hour.

BUFFY: Then what happened?

JOYCE: I met your father.

BUFFY: He didn't have a date either?

JOYCE: He did. And that's a much funnier story that you will *not* get to hear. Oh, but it was a beautiful night!

BUFFY: And you had your whole life ahead of you.

JOYCE: Yeah.

BUFFY: Must be nice.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by: AleXander Thompson. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 28

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