Dawn to Buffy: you were the one I trusted
from Him (Season 7)
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BUFFY: Dawn, please stop crying. Please? Crying isn't going to make his love for me go away, you know.

XANDER: Listen, you're under a love spell. That's what this has to be.

BUFFY: (to Xander) You're right. He's right.(to Dawn) You're under a spell. Oh, poor little Dawnie.

WILLOW: But we're working on it. It'll be better soon.

ANYA: Yes. Soon neither one of you will be in love with this boy.

BUFFY: He's not a boy.

DAWN: What do you know about our love? It's true and real. This isn't magic. This is my heart.

ANYA: Fine.

XANDER: We'll be working.

WILLOW: Look, I know this feels terrible, but it isn't real. Try to hold onto that.

BUFFY: Did you hear that? It isn't real. You're just crazy.

DAWN: It is so real! I love him. You knew how I felt?like I finally found something, and you betrayed me.

BUFFY: I betrayed you? You're the one that constructed this elaborate fantasy about you and my lover.

DAWN: Your lover? You're lover!

WILLOW: (mediating) Guys? Guys?

BUFFY: I tried to get you to back away.

DAWN: That's right! You lied to me!

BUFFY: Did you want me to tell you that he's in love with me? That your little crush is hopeless?

DAWN: (crying) It's not a crush! Stop. You're not supposed to do this.

BUFFY: Why? Because he's younger than me? You know, I'm extremely youthful. And peppy.

DAWN: No, because you were the one I trusted. (runs out)

BUFFY: Dawn, wait!

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written by: Drew Z. Greenberg; Transcribed by: CariCranberry. Edited by me. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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