Pilates, is that like Tae-bo?
from Carpe Noctem (Season 3)
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CORDELIA: You can't just keep ignoring Fred! You have to speak to her. You know, there is your business life and then there is your social life, and everybody knows that you keep those two things sepa...

(Cordy trails off as one of the male health club members walks by.)

CORDELIA: I'm gonna go see if *he* knows anything. (exit)

ANGEL: (to attendant) Hi. I was just wondering, could ask you a few questions? My name is Angel.

PHIL: Angel. Good news, dude, we are running our best offer ever! Okay, I can get you a six months trial membership right now for three hundred and fifty dollars.

ANGEL: No. I'm looking into some guys that were members here.

(Angel pulls out the newspaper clipping and shows it to Phil.)

PHIL: Oh, yeah, Woody, right. I heard he like - died.

ANGEL: He like did. Along with the others. All members. So, I need to ask you, Phil, does the club condone steroid use?

PHIL: No. No, no, no a-a-absolutely not.

ANGEL: Then we should probably keep this between ourselves, don't you think? I'll just take a look at their records and I'll get out of your hair.

PHIL: Yeah, yeah, o-okay.

(cut to Cordelia, interviewing)

CORDELIA: So, did you ever see anyone come in who looked suspicious - or really pale - or maybe green and scaly?

(back to Angel & Phil)

PHIL: You know, I-I-I don't see anything that connects the three of them - except they were all in the evening Pilates class together.

ANGEL: Pilates, is that like Tae-bo?

PHIL: Yeah - if you're living in 1999.

(cut to class)

INSTRUCTOR: Relax your neck and shoulders, using your lower abdominals, bring the spine down to the floor. Take a deep breath in and as your arms come up to the ceiling...

(Angel circles the room, he looks out of the big window at the back of the room. He sees light reflecting off a pair of circles in one of the windows of the building across the street. Looks at the sign in front of the other building: Monserrat, retirement community.)

(cut to Cordelia, interviewing)

CORDELIA: There could be follow-up questions. I'll need some home phone numbers. Why don't we start with you, Benny?

(Angel comes up behind her and leans in close to her.)

ANGEL: There is a retirement home in the street behind us. I'm gonna check something out.


ANGEL: Maybe when you're done with your *work* - here - you can pick me up. Okay?

CORDELIA: He's just someone I work with. Anyway...

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written by: Scott Murphy; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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