Glory: Not Enough Retail
from Checkpoint (Season 5)
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(Glory's apartment. Glory looks ill. Jinx and a fellow demon drag a mailman in)

DREG: Mistress, at last we've found one.

MAILMAN: Look, don't hurt me. I beg of you, if you just let me go, I swear I won't tell anyone.

DREG: (to Jinx) Help her!

(Jinx goes to Glory and drags her toward the mailman. )

JINX: We're here for you, great one.


DREG: Drink!

MAILMAN: Oh, what is this? What the, what the hell are you things doing to me?

(Glory puts her fingers on the sides of his head, and then pushes them into his head. Instead of blood, yellow light streams out as Glory pushes her hands deeper into his brain. Both Glory and the mailman scream. After a moment the light stops and they both fall to the floor. )

DREG: Very good, delicious.

GLORY: No, I'm good. It's okay.

MAILMAN: I know you're all always looking at me. I can tell. Always tell. I can see. I, my hat, where's my hat? (wanders off)

GLORY: (groans, laughs) Try not cutting things so close next time, understood?

DREG: Yes, we live to serve.

JINX: As always.

GLORY: Cool. (to Dreg) Take this mess out with the rest of the trash. And you ... have something to tell me?

JINX: Indeed, Glorificus.

GLORY: (smiling) Well, I'm waiting.

JINX: We have found that the signs of the alignment are moving faster than expected.

GLORY: Meaning?

JINX: If you are to use the key, you must act quickly.

GLORY: Fine. I have been cooling my heels in this crappy little town long enough. Sunnydale's got too many demons and not enough retail outlets.

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written by: Douglas Petrie and Jane Espenson; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 33

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