Wesley: So whatever did this might still be close.
from The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco (Season 5)
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captures from this scene

(Spike, Wesley, and Gunn follow Angel. Angel stops at the site of a body. )

SPIKE: Too late.

GUNN: So you what, heard his scream?

SPIKE: He smelled the blood. Nothing grabs a vamp's attention like the ruby red.

GUNN: Notice no matter how uptown we go, we always wind up in some stanky hole in the middle of the night?

WESLEY: Angel! His heart's missing. Looks like it was cut out with some sort of crude knife. And based on these blood spatters, I'd say it was still beating when it was removed.

ANGEL: The blood's fresh. This just happened.

WESLEY: So whatever did this might still be close.

GUNN: How close?

SPIKE: I'd say 10, 11 feet.

(everyone turns to look. An Aztek demon, with sword, shield, pointy helmet and lots of teeth snarls at them. fighting breaks out)

GUNN: (burying an ax in the demon's back) How you like that, sparky? (the demon turns toward Gunn and snarls) OK, so next time, I hold onto the axe.

SPIKE: Not that way, you git!

(he sees a nearby 2x4 plank of wood)

SPIKE: (to himself) Now focus.

(reaches for the plank and swings at the demon... but realizes he's empty-handed)

SPIKE: Bloody useless!

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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