Angel: OK, why does it look like we're having a party in here?
from Life of the Party (Season 5)
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EVE: So, how's it going, Angel?

ANGEL: Oh...I don't know how to answer that question. I—I don't know. Good. Bad. Look, I spent years doing everything I could to bring this company down. Now I'm the CEO, and I have to question every move I make because any one of them could be exactly what the senior partners want, so, no, I have no idea how it's going.

EVE: Hey, at least you can still get your nocturnal jollies saving the downtrodden from things that go bump in the night.

ANGEL: Well, you said it yourself. Everyone needs a release.

EVE: No. I said you need a release. Not everyone bottles all this stuff up like you.

ANGEL: I don't bottle.

EVE: You bottle.

ANGEL: I don't bottle!

(Elevator opens, revealing a giant Skull, which Angel immediately punches, revealing that it's only some poor worker carrying a huge styrofoam decoration)

ANGEL: OK, why does it look like we're having a party in here?

LORNE: Well, maybe 'cause we're having a party in here. The Wolfram & Hart Halloween Bash? Ring a bell? The biggest event on the company calendar? I sent you a small forest's worth of memos on it.

ANGEL: We're havin' it here?

LORNE: (to Eve) You see what I'm up against?

EVE: That's what our 7:30 was about, Angel. Your party.

ANGEL: My party?

LORNE: Yeah, listen. Here's the snafu in a nutshell, top cat. Uh, nobody's comin'. Well, some people are coming, but the right people, the A-list people, they seem to be giving it a miss, and if they don't show up, this shindig is gonna be a bust.

ANGEL: Good.

LORNE: Good?!

ANGEL: I wasn't too crazy about this thing to begin with. I mean, we are talking about our clients, right? Our evil clients. Not the sort of folks I really like to show a good time. I'd be a lot happier if the whole thing just kind of fell through. Then we could get back to—

LORNE: Ha ha ha! OK! OK! You're killin' me. Can't you just feel up the big picture, Mr. Magoo? It's not about good and evil. It's about party. Party! Capital P! Rhymes with me? About to have a stroke here 'cause you're killin' me! (calms down) Listen. I can see that you're in a—a state, a—a mood, a—a snit even, so what say we talk about this once you've... calmed down a bit?

ANGEL: Yeah, sure. That's fine—

LORNE: Great. Your office. 25 minutes.

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written by: Ben Edlund; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
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