Mercer: We can’t risk that kind of exposure.
from Sense and Sensitivity (Season 1)
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(Cut to Wolfram & Hart's firm. Mercer listening to Tony on phone.)

TONY: What do I pay you for? Where the hell are you? I want my limo here now.

MERCER: I'm afraid that's not possible Mr. Papazian.

TONY: What? What are you telling me?

MERCER: You shot up a precinct and attempted to murder a police officer in full view of witnesses. We can't risk that kind of exposure.

TONY: You're the ones set this thing up!

MERCER: We opened the door for you. The point was for you to walk through it, not blast your way out. The senior partners feel you've become a liability. We can't waste valuable energy on you when there are more pressing issues at hand.

TONY: Pressing issues? (Mercer looks at tape of Angel confronting Tony at the precinct) What pressing issues?

MERCER: Our relationship is terminated, as is this phone call.

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written by: Tim Minear; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by Ann. Checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 19

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