Graham: And *I'm* the one who got a D in covert ops.
from Where the Wild Things Are (Season 4)
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(Cut to Buffy approaching Riley.)

BUFFY: Hey, uh, can we- (points upstairs) I, um, need you to take a look at an ... essay, for ... class.

RILEY: That ... essay, right. Here.

(he hands his drink to Forrest. Forrest looks annoyed. Graham looks amused)

RILEY: I'll catch you guys in a minute, uh, essay ... gotta look at ...

(Buffy pulling him upstairs)

GRAHAM: And *I'm* the one who got a D in covert ops.

(Forrest shakes his head. They drink their beers.)

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcript by joan the english chick ( Full transcript at:
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