Dawn flirts with Kevin
from The Body (Season 5)
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TEACHER: Okay. Remember, we're not ... drawing the object. We're drawing ... the negative space ... around the object.

KEVIN: (not looking at Dawn) Hey.

DAWN: Oh. Hey Kevin.

TEACHER: ...and then give me a sense of the spaces around ... the space in-between.

KEVIN: What's goin' on?

DAWN: Um, negative space. (nervous smile)

KEVIN: (smiles) Yeah, what's that all about?

DAWN: (scoffs) Yeah.

KEVIN: (looks at her paper) That's pretty good.

DAWN: (smiles) Thanks.

KEVIN: So I heard you, like, had a freak-out and cut yourself.

DAWN: Uh, no, not even. It was a whole ... it was so not...

KEVIN: I've felt like that before. (Dawn looks surprised) Things get so crazed, you know, you just feel like you wanna do something ... extreme.

DAWN: Yeah. I just ... I had a lot of intense stuff going on. (Kevin smiles, returns to his drawing) A lot of people don't understand that. Pain.

KEVIN: Yeah.

DAWN: Then Kirsty's gotta blab it everywhere, 'cause she's-

KEVIN: Kirsty, man. It's like she thinks, "I'm so hot, everybody should just bow down before me." And I'm like, whatever.

Dawn smiles and laughs. Behind her we see Buffy in the hallway, looking at Dawn.

DAWN: She's so superficial. Everything's always about clothes, or who likes who, and... there's just way more important stuff going on. There's a lot of ... crucial ... you know ... stuff.

KEVIN: Yeah.

DAWN: Uh, this one time in history, uh, she had this book called Annals of History, and she didn't know how to say the word annals so she kept saying--

(Buffy arrives)

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written by: Joss Whedon; transcribed by Joan the English Chick . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 20

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