Lindsey: (singing at Caritas) I can't feel a thing
from Dead End (Season 2)
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(Lindsey is on stage at Caritas)

LINDSEY: (Singing) Pretty girl on every corner. Sunshine turns the sky to gold. Warm, warm, it's always warm here. And I can't take the cold.

CORDELIA: You should pick something short.

ANGEL: I was thinking about Stairway to Heaven.

WESLEY: Don't even joke about that.

CORDELIA: Oh, my god, look who's...

ANGEL: Lindsey?

LINDSEY: (Singing) This whole world shines so brightly.

LORNE: (To Angel & gang) Isn't he fabulous?

ANGEL: He comes here?

LORNE: He used to come all the time before some caballero chopped off his strumming hand. Looks like he's got a new one.

LINDSEY: (Singing) Pretty as a picture, she's...

CORDELIA: Wow. He's good.

GUNN: Lawyer's got some pipes.

LINDSEY: (Singing) Settles me with love and laughter.

ANGEL: You think he's good.


LINDSEY: (Singing) and I can't feel a thing. The sky's gonna open. People gonna pray and crawl. It's gonna rain down fire...

ANGEL: What is that? Rock? Country? Ballad? Pick a style, pal.


LORNE: Angel cakes. Don't make me ask you to leave.

LINDSEY: (Singing) The sky is gonna open, people gonna pray and sing. Oh, I can't feel...

(He finishes.)

CORDELIA: (re: Angel) He can't sing after that.

LORNE: You won't have to.

(Cordy looks over at Angel as the host meets Lindsey halfway from the stage carrying two drinks.)

LORNE: Golly, pilgrim. Sure is good to have you back in the saddle. (Hands Lindsey one of the drinks) Your favorite. T&T, the imported.

LINDSEY: Look, I got a crazy man's hand here who wants to kill - someone, maybe me, I don't know. What do you see?

LORNE: (leading him toward the A-team) Well, you know what they say: the hand is quicker than the eye. You'll get that later.

LINDSEY: Look. I need help.

ANGEL: (laughing) I'll say. You might want to start with his singing.

(Cordelia slaps him distractedly to shut him up, her attention focussed on Lindsey)

CORDELIA: Hi. You probably don't remember me. Cordelia. I know you're evil and everything, but that was just so amazing!

GUNN: That was kind of tight.

WESLEY: Terrific, really.

ANGEL: Is everyone drunk?

LINDSEY: What's he doing here, huh? (To Angel) What are you looking at?

LORNE: Easy, easy, children. I don't allow violence in *my* club. Angel's here for the same reason you are.

LINDSEY: How's that?

LORNE: Two enemies, one case, all come together in a beautiful buddy-movie kind of way.

GUNN: They supposed to work together on this?

LINDSEY: Work with him? Work with him?

LORNE: Am I the only one who saw 'Forty-eight Hours?'

LINDSEY: I've got a murderous hand on me and you're telling me to team up with the guy who cut mine off in the first place?

LORNE: I'm telling you what's what, sugar. What you *do* with it is up to you.

LINDSEY: (to Angel) If I see outside of the club, I'm gonna kill you.

LORNE: Uh, resentment is such an ugly emotion. I hope you've overcome yours, Angel, because right now he's got your case in (laughs) forgive me, in the palm of his hand. Toodles.

GUNN: If Lindsey's the lead, shouldn't we be following him?

ANGEL: (to Cordelia) You said the guy in the vision just got a new eye. And Lindsey just got a new hand.

WESLEY: Right. Then we should find out where the transplants took place.

GUNN: So we're following him, right?

ANGEL: Actually what we need to follow (picks up Lindsey's glass) is his new hand. (Holds the glass up and looks at the fingerprints left on it) Wonder who it belonged to.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript anonymous. Edited & formatted for this site by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
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