Cordy to Angel: I'm starting to get used to being creeped out and comforted at the same time.
from Billy (Season 3)
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CORDELIA: I don't get it.

ANGEL: I don't get it either.

CORDELIA: I mean, you're a man. So why didn't Billy's touch affect you?

ANGEL: Well, maybe because - I'm not human.

CORDELIA: Oh, right. And a *vampire* could never be turned into a monster.

ANGEL: Well, that thing that Billy brought out in others? - The hatred and anger... that's something I lost a long time ago.

CORDELIA: Even when you were evil?

ANGEL: I never hated my victims, I never killed out of anger, it was always about the - pain and the pleasure.

CORDELIA: Huh. - So I guess you could say that your demon-ness makes less petty than humans. Almost noble - I mean, in a twisted, dark and *really* disturbing kind of way.

ANGEL: Thanks.

CORDELIA: Hm-mm. It's weird!

ANGEL: What is?

CORDELIA: I'm starting to get used to being creeped out and comforted at the same time.

ANGEL: I get that.

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written by: Tim Minear & Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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