Gunn: Tommy Golden's little brother? Randall? This punk stole my car when he was 12 years old.
from Sacrifice (Season 4)
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(a gang of unfriendly looking teens shows up)

ANGEL: (calling up to Wes) Wes?

WESLEY: I'm all right.

GOLDEN: No. You're not all right till I say you're all right. Holly, you good?


GOLDEN: Trip. (referring to Lorne) That ugly-ass beastie so much as breathes wrong, you stick him.

LORNE: Ugly ass—hey!

ANGEL: You know, I kind of have a thing about people pointing sharp wooden— gimme that.


ANGEL: Enough! Enough. (to a young boy he knocked down) You ok?

(Angel reaches out a hand to the boy -- Matthew -- to help him to his feet)

MATTHEW: Yeah. (stands)

ANGEL: It's ok. They're not under her power.

GOLDEN: Her who?

GUNN: We'll ask the questions.

WESLEY: Angel, are you sure?

ANGEL: Well, they're not exactly fighting like a well-oiled, mind-controlled army of love, are they?

GUNN: Hell, no. More like a bunch of little punks.

GOLDEN: (indignant) Punks?

ANGEL: Gunn, let him go.

GOLDEN: Gunn? Charles Gunn?

GUNN: I say you could use my name?

GOLDEN: I say you could use my ride without payin' the piper?

GUNN: What? Payin' the— Tommy Golden's little brother? Randall? (chuckles) Little ass Randall Golden, man. This punk stole my car when he was 12 years old.

GOLDEN: What are you doin' down here, man?

GUNN: Like I said, son, we'll ask the questions. (hears an eerie distant noise) Startin' with what the hell was that?

MATTHEW: It's back.

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written by: Ben Edlund; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me. . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 17

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