Willow to Cordy: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
from Orpheus (Season 4)
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WILLOW: Hi there.

CORDELIA: Long time, no see. (to Connor) It's OK, Connor. I'm fine. (Connor leaves the room)

WILLOW: How've you been?

CORDELIA: Higher power. You?

WILLOW: Ultimate evil. But I got better.

CORDELIA: You heard about Faith?

WILLOW: Coma again.

CORDELIA: What about Angelus? Did you go down to see him yet?

WILLOW: I'm way avoidy. Too many memories. I'm just glad I don't have to be in the same room with him when I re-ensoul him.

CORDELIA: Oh, you really think you can pull it off?

WILLOW: Putting his soul back? It's the first spell I ever learned. I'm not gonna forget that.

CORDELIA: (grabs a knife under the blanket) What about the Muo-Ping?

WILLOW: The jar holding Angel's soul? Therein lies our boneage.

CORDELIA: Stolen right from our safe. And if we can't get the soul out of the jar, we can't put it back in Angel.

WILLOW: Yeah, question is: how do we get the soul out if we don't know where the jar is?

CORDELIA: And apparently, the thing's impervious to magic.

WILLOW: Yeah, I know already tried a standard locator spell, but zero joy.

CORDELIA: (puts down the knife) Right. Plus, Wesley's shaman says there's no way to extract the soul from a distance.

WILLOW: Soul trapped in a glass jar, impervious to magic. It is complicated.

CORDELIA: Tough nut to crack.

WILLOW: (gets an idea) Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

CORDELIA: (grabs the knife again) I doubt it.

WILLOW: (stands) We just break the jar.

CORDELIA: (gestures to her nightstand, trying to get Willow closer) Can you hand me that drink?

WILLOW: (backs to the door, excited) That way we don't have to magic the soul out. We just break the glass around it!

CORDELIA: (impatiently) Great idea. I'm really thirsty.

WILLOW: And then Angel's soul is still released into the ether, and—and there's something called Delothrian's Arrow. We don't even need to know where the target is. (opens the door) Cordy, this is fantastic! We're gonna get him back.

(Willow exits. Cordelia throws the knife at her a little too late; it sticks in the door)

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written by: Mere Smith; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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