It's not just us (they got the mustard out!) from Once More, with Feeling (Season 6) | Next Clip in Episode |
XANDER: See, okay, that was disturbing.
WILLOW: I thought it was neat.
BUFFY: So what is it? What's causing it?
GILES: I thought it didn't matter.
BUFFY: Well, I'm not exactly quaking in my stylish yet affordable boots, but there's definitely something unnatural going on here. And that doesn't usually lead to hugs and puppies.
ANYA: Well, is it just us? I mean, is it only happening to us? 'Cause that would probably mean a spell or-
(Buffy opens the door, catches the end of David Fury's dry-cleaning production number)
DAVID: (sings) They got ... the mustard ... out!
DRY-CLEANING CROWD: (sings) They got the mustard out!
(Buffy closes the door)
BUFFY: It's not just us.
written by: Joss Whedon; transcribed by Joan the English Chick ( Action descriptions shortened by me.. Full transcript at: