Angel: And Wolfram and Hart's picking up the tab.
from Blood Money (Season 2)
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(East Hills Teen Shelter, night.)

GIRL: What am I supposed to do? He's gonna want to come in.

ANNE: Then you tell him no! Benny knows the rules. He's not coming in here drunk. You turn him out. Don't even listen to him.

(The girl leaves.)

ANNE: Hey! Guy I ran over.

ANGEL: Hey. Girl who ran over me.

ANNE: You can call me Anne. It's shorter.

ANGEL: Angel. Um, I brought some... I don't know if they're any good.

ANNE: That's great! Uh, we can take them over here. Whoa. Now lets see. What have you got? (Pulls out flowered blouse) Well, that's - not what I expected. What's the matter, it doesn't fit you anymore?

ANGEL: Cuts me across the bust. A friend, left her clothes at my place. I won't be seeing her anytime soon, so I figured...

ANNE: Girlfriend?

ANGEL: God, no. Uh, I mean just...

ANNE: Well, I really appreciate... *we* really appreciate this. Every little bit helps, you know?

ANGEL: I just wish I could do more.

ANNE: Well, if you're - not in a hurry. You up for a tour?

ANNE: (stepping into her office) And here is the vibrant nerve center of our massive corporation.

ANGEL: Wow. It's uh...

ANNE: Small? I know. But I'm hardly ever in here.

ANGEL: (Looks over at cot) You just come in for naps?

ANNE: Oh, the bed... No, ah, sometimes I'm here so late it's just easier than going home. So, what do you think?

ANGEL: Amazing. You say it runs on donations?

ANNE: Every last penny.

ANGEL: Got to be tough, trying to stay ahead.

ANNE: It is. Thankfully we have a guardian angel.

ANGEL: Guardian angel?

ANNE: Wolfram and Hart. Uh, it's a law firm. They've been a godsend in the last couple of months. Bailed us out of an eviction, defended a couple of our kids.

ANGEL: They sound like saints.

ANNE: As far as I'm concerned. They're the ones that came up with the idea for the Big Hold Up.

ANGEL: Hold up?

ANNE: Charity ball. It's a fundraiser for the center. Big TV-celebrities go around and pretend to rob the guests of their donations. Wild West theme. It's gonna be big.

ANGEL: And Wolfram and Hart's picking up the tab.

ANNE: They're donating everything, from the music to the food - plus they have connections to all the TV stars.

ANGEL: That's not surprising.

ANNE: It's good for their image, I guess. And it's a pretty dorky theme, but hey, whatever it takes, right?

ANGEL: Right.

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written by: Mere Smith & Shawn Ryan; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Ann.. Full transcript at:
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