Angel: Oh my God! Food! I love chocolate!
from I Will Remember You (Season 1)
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DOYLE: (re: destruction) Woah, when they fight..

CORDELIA: Oh, my God!

DOYLE: What?

CORDELIA: She killed him! (Picks up a handful of dust) Oops! My bad. It's just dust I forgot to sweep under the rug.

DOYLE: What, are you trying to give me a heart attack?

CORDELIA: Hey, don't blame me if he's too cheap to hire a Cleaning Lady!

(The door opens and Angel walks into the outer office a dazed expression on his face.)

CORDELIA: What's wrong? What happened? Did you do it with Buffy? Watch it, Doyle, don't get too close. Hey, you walked in the front door from the street! You...

ANGEL: Yeah.

CORDELIA: got an umbrella!

(Angel walks past them and stand in the sun streaming in through the window.)

DOYLE: He's alive, Cordelia.


ANGEL: Buffy and I were attacked by some kind of demon. I- I tracked it - and killed it. A-and some of its blood mixed with mine.

DOYLE: And you wound up with a pulse?

ANGEL: I want to find out what kind of a demon that was. Ow, my back. It hurts. Everything’s..

DOYLE: More real, now that you're real?

ANGEL: Yeah. I'm mortal now. I have a mortal body. And I'm so - hungry!

CORDELIA: (in his path) Look out, he's gonna eat..(Angel grabs one of the donuts sitting on the little refrigerator behind where she was standing and stuffs it in his mouth) everything in sight!

ANGEL: (eating straight out of the fridge) Oh my God! Food! This is unbelievable. This is so.. You know, I forgot how good it all tastes when you're alive!

CORDELIA: Yeah, and they didn't even have Cookie-dough-fudge-mint-chip in your day.

ANGEL: Mmm, I want some! Can you get that?

CORDELIA: It'll go straight to your thighs.

ANGEL: Uhm, chocolate! Oh, (Laughs) chocolate!

DOYLE: All right, all right, we need to focus here. Try and find out..

ANGEL: I love chocolate! Uh, but not, as it turns out, yogurt. Urgh!

DOYLE: Orsen! We're in a situation here.

ANGEL: Right. I know. You're right. Let me think. and now my stomach's killing me. Cordelia, find Buffy. She'S in Santa Monica near the Lone Star. Tell her I killed the demon.


ANGEL: Oh, wait! Don't tell her what's happened to me. Not until I know what it means.

CORDELIA: All right.

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written by: David Greenwalt and Jeanne Renshaw; Originally transcribed by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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