Xander: the whole enchilada
from The Real Me (Season 5)
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(Harmony pounces throught he door, but her minions can't follow)

XANDER: (to minions) The invitation was for one.

HARMONY: Not such a pushover any more, am I?

(Punches Xander in the face a few times)

ANYA: (running around) Slayer's house should have more weapons lying around.

(she picks up a lamp)

HARMONY: I've been working out, learning some new tricks, honing my -

(She bends to bite Xander as Anya runs up with the lamp. Harmony straightens up and backhands Anya, breaking the lamp and sending Anya flying. )

HARMONY: Instincts.

(Xander kicks Harmony in the stomach and she flies backward out the front door, crashing into the minions. They all fall down the porch stairs. Xander and Anya rush to close the door and lean against it, looking out at the vampires. )

HARMONY: This isn't over, Xander! I'll be back!

XANDER: And we'll be ready for you! Stakes ... crosses ... the whole enchilada.

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written by: David Fury; transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 22

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