Skip to Angel: Do you have any idea how monstrous a guy has to be before he gets sent to us? We're a *very* high-end institution.
from That Vision Thing (Season 3)
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(Angel materializes in the demon dimension, but without his weapons)

ANGEL: Sure. Because it would be too easy if I could actually defend myself. At least I got the key.

(He puts the key in his coat pocket, and explores till he finds a room with a man in a column of flame guarded by a bronze demon)


SKIP: Hi. You know you're not supposed to be here, right?

ANGEL: Yeah. What about him?

SKIP: Oh, him? Oh, he's supposed to be here. Do you have any idea how monstrous a guy has to be before he gets sent to us? We're a *very* high-end institution.

ANGEL: And it's your job to keep him here.

SKIP: Yeah. (Offers his hand) I'm Skip.

(they shake hands)

ANGEL: Angel. So, ah, you live in here, Skip?

SKIP: No. I commute. It's not too bad - about twenty minutes.

ANGEL: Uh, what keeps him in the fire?

SKIP: My will.

ANGEL: How come he's not screaming in pain?

SKIP: Oh, he is. My will prevents him from being heard. I mean there is only so many 'oh my god! The pain! Please make it stop!' that you can listen to before it starts to bug the crap out of you.

ANGEL: I see your point.

SKIP: You're a vampire, right? How come it smells like you work for the Powers That Be?

ANGEL: Cause I do.

SKIP: And you're here to try to - rescue this guy? But we're on the same side. Shouldn't you be helping to keep him in here?

ANGEL: I know. I know. Long story. Involves a girl. I don't like it any better than you do.

SKIP: So I really can't talk you out of this.

ANGEL: Sorry. I wish you could. I guess we just have to agree to...

(Angel staggers back as Skip hits him full in the face.)

ANGEL: ...disagree.

(they fight. During the scuffle, Skip gets too close to the cage, and the burning man grabs him. Angel wrestles him loose)

ANGEL: Skip, are you okay? Good. Sorry about this.

(Angel knocks Skip out)

(The flames and the burning cage disappear, revealing the naked, soot smeared man at its center.)

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written by: Jeffrey Bell; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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