Tara: good birthday
from Family (Season 5)

WILLOW: My dance?

(She takes Tara's hand and leads her onto the floor as a slow song starts. They begin to dance.)

WILLOW: Good birthday?

TARA: Best birthday.

WILLOW: I still can't believe you didn't tell me about your family and all that.

TARA: I was just afraid if you saw the kind of people I came from, you wouldn't wanna be anywhere near me.

WILLOW: See ... that's where you're a dummy. I think about ... what you grew up with, and ... then I look at what you are ... it makes me proud. It makes me love you more.

TARA: Every time I- even when I'm at my worst ... you always make me feel special.

(Willow smiles.)

TARA: How do you do that?

WILLOW: Magic.

(They embrace, putting their heads on each other's shoulders and swaying to the music. )

SINGER: I can't take my eyes off you.... I can't take my eyes off you....

(The camera drifts back to show us that Willow and Tara are floating several feet above the floor.)

Related Story ArcCredits:
written by: Joss Whedon; Transcribed by Joan the English Chick (pisces@englishchick.com).. Full transcript at:
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