Willow: undead English Patient?
from Something Blue (Season 4)
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(Giles walks out of the bathroom and into the living room, speaking to Willow who's reading through some books)

GILES: If those two don't kill each other, I might lend a hand.

WILLOW: What about a truth spell? I'm not positive it would work on a vampire, but we could try. Make him fess up?

GILES: A truth spell, of course. Why didn't I think of that?

WILLOW: 'Cause you had your hands full with the undead English Patient?

(She hands Giles the book she was reading)

GILES: Yes.. We'll have a go.

WILLOW: Looks pretty simple. I'll stop by the magick shop tomorrow.

GILES: Excellent.

WILLOW: Alright. I'll be back in the morning with donuts and motherwort. Bye, Buffy! I'll see you at home.


GILES: Great. Thank you, Willow.

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written by: Tracey Forbes; Transcribed by Collie. (Paranoia@slayme.com). Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 29

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