Monks: Our lives aren't important. We have to protect the key!
from No Place Like Home (Season 5)
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(Czeck Republic, Monastery, night, Two Months Ago. Two terrified monks race down a hall, enter a large chamber and brace a gigantic door behind them)

MONK #2: (in Czech) It's coming. It's going to kill us!

MONK #1: (in Czech) Our lives aren't important. We have to protect the Key.

(the monks join a third senior monk in a circle in the center of the room)

SENIOR MONK: (in czech) Help me perform the ritual.

(there's a crash, and the door rattles. The younger monks are distracted)

SENIOR MONK: (in czheck) Concentrate! Concentrate!

(the ritual resumes, completes with a flash of light. The door explodes open, but we cut to Sunnydale, present, before we can see what has arrived.)

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written by: Douglas Petrie; . Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 23

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