Wesley: Angel Investigations? It's just a name.
from Happy Anniversary (Season 2)

(Cordy, Wes and Gunn are dancing to party music in their candlelit office filled with people.)

CORDELIA: (as a man enters) Hi.

WESLEY: How are you?

MAN: Um ...

GUNN: You all right?

MAN: I just -- I need help. This is Angel Investigations?

WESLEY: Uh, yeah, you're in the right place. Um. Sorry about the confusion.

CORDELIA: We're just having a little celebration. A "new beginning" kind of thing.

MAN: Oh, well, maybe I should ...


GUNN: No, no. You need help, you're in the right place. We can talk in back. Come on in.

MAN: Well, um, which one of you is Angel?

WESLEY: It's just a name.

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written by: David Greenwalt; Original transcript by anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site & checked against source by chicken_cem. Checked against source by chicken_cem.. Full transcript at:
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