Buffy: fall for Willow & you stay fallen
from Normal Again (Season 6)
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BUFFY: Watcha doing?

WILLOW: I'm on-line, checking to see if Xander e-mailed.

BUFFY: Any luck?

WILLOW: No such.

BUFFY: Well, maybe Anya found him and they're trying to work it out. How come you're all, home, hearth & DSL anyway? I thought you were gonna go see Tara?

WILLOW: Saw her. Saw her completely.

BUFFY: Ouch! Just got a scratch from all that brittle...

WILLOW: It's... when I was seeing her, she was seeing someone else. A girl.

BUFFY: You mean?

WILLOW: I mean... not seeing, seeing. Maybe. I don't know, it was inconclusive, and I didn't stick around to find out. Might have magicked my fist through a wall or something.

BUFFY: Will, I'm sorry.

WILLOW: They're probably just friends. I press my lips against my friends all the time.

BUFFY: I'm sure they're just friends. Once you fall for Willow, you stay fallen.

WILLOW: Thanks, Buffy.

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written by: Diego Gutierrez; Got tired of waiting to find a complete transcript to copy-paste from, so I typed these up myself.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 26

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