Wesley to Angel: You don't know Cordelia at all. She's not the vain, carefree creature she once was...
from Epiphany (Season 2)
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ANGEL: (At the detective agency.) She's not here.

WESLEY: That doesn't bode well. (Looks at window.) That's the third time that truck's passed by.

ANGEL: Well, maybe she's just out on a date or with her friends or something.

WESLEY: That's unlikely.

ANGEL: It's Friday night, Wesley.


ANGEL: So, we are talking about the same Cordelia Chase, right?

WESLEY: That's correct.

ANGEL: Knowing her...

WESLEY: But you don't. You don't know her at all. For months now you haven't cared to. Otherwise you might have realized that our Cordelia has become a very solitary girl. She's not the vain, carefree creature she once was... Well, certainly not carefree. - It's the visions, you see. The visions that were meant to guide you. You could turn away from them. She doesn't have that luxury. She knows and experiences the pain in this city, and because of who she is, she feels compelled to do something about it. It's left her little time for anything else. You'd have known that - if you hadn't had your head firmly up your... place that isn't on top of your neck.

ANGEL: We have to find her.

WESLEY: Yes, we agree on that. She could be in grave danger.

ANGEL: And even if she's not... (Distracted.) Something's coming.

WESLEY: Turn off the lights. The Skilosh may have followed us here.

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written by: Tim Minear; Original transcript anonymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by Sylvia.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 21

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