Illyria: This fate is worse than death. Condemned to live out existence in a vessel incapable of sustaining my true glory.
from The Girl In Question (Season 5)
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ILLYRIA: (RE: potted plants) I can no longer hear the song of the green.

LORNE: You think that includes me?

WESLEY: Her powers have been greatly reduced. She still has an unusual level of strength, but is no longer invulnerable or able to alter time.

ILLYRIA: You revel in my defeat.

WESLEY: Is that how you view it? You've been defeated?

ILLYRIA: My world gone. My power stripped. How would you define it?

LORNE: Uh, I don't know, how about... lucky we didn't kill you when you went nuclear?

ILLYRIA: This fate is worse than death. Condemned to live out existence in a vessel incapable of sustaining my true glory. How am I to function with such limitation?

LORNE: (chuckles) Well, ever tried a Sea Breeze?

ILLYRIA: You attempt amusement at the expense of your better.

WESLEY: Illyria. Perhaps you should return to the lab.

ILLYRIA: I do not bend to your wishes.

WESLEY: I'm not asking you to. Merely suggesting that more tests might lead to knowledge of how to help you function.

(she glares at Wes, then turns toward the stairs)

ILLYRIA: I go because it suits me. (walks upstairs)

LORNE: Whew. Ah, so too bad that whirly-jig thing didn't suck the sass out of her.

WESLEY: She's overcompensating. Posturing.

LORNE: So she really wasn't gonna snap my stalk?

WESLEY: Her powers are weakened, but... she's still unpredictable. Perhaps more so until she learns to adjust. We have to be careful not to agitate her.

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written by: Steven S. DeKnight & Drew Goddard; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 36

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