Xander: Spike's working for Adam?
from Primeval (Season 4)
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(Campus. Giles, Xander, Willow & Buffy meet cautiously at neutral ground)

BUFFY: Where's Anya?

XANDER: Oddly, Anya decided not to join us, despite all the fun we had at our last meeting.

WILLOW: And I don't think Tara felt welcome.

BUFFY: Why? Because of the things that we said?

(Willow nods.)

BUFFY: Will, who told you we were talking behind your back, specifically?

WILLOW: Well, um...Spike, specifically, but--

BUFFY: (to Xander) And who told you that we thought you'd be better off joining the Army?

XANDER: That's not...exactly what he said.

GILES: Well, uh...S--S--Spike can be very convincing when--when--when, uh...I'm very stupid.

BUFFY: He played us. He wanted us to fight to split us up. That's where it came from. The stuff we said the other night.

GILES: Of course. Well, piffle, let's move on.

XANDER: I'm movin'.

WILLOW: Me, too.

BUFFY: Good. Great.

(Cut to Willow. Cut to Xander. Cut to Giles. Cut to a shot of all four.)

WILLOW: So...why do you think Spike made with the head games?

XANDER: He's all dressed up with no one to bite. He's gotta get his ya-yas somehow.

BUFFY: I think it was more than that. I think it was Adam.

XANDER: Spike's working for Adam?! After all we've done--nah, I can't even act surprised.

BUFFY: I just went to Adam's lair and he was gone. But, Spike just happened to be there. He made this big noise about getting information off those encrypted disks.

WILLOW: Oh, I decrypted them. Well, they decrypted themselves, but I almost had it.

GILES: What did they say?

WILLOW: A bunch of stuff we already know about 314. But it also said there's some final phase where Adam manufactures a bunch of creepy cyber-demonoids like him. There's a special lab in The Initiative, but it didn't say where.

BUFFY: Adam fed Spike those disks. It has to be. He wanted me to know about his evil-guy assembly line. This lab, it's in the Initiative?

WILLOW: Hidden somewhere.

BUFFY: We'll give the demon his due. He thought this one out.

WILLOW: What do you mean?

BUFFY: You know how overcrowded the containment cells have been at the Initiative? Those demons were just too easy to catch. It's like they wanted in that place.

GILES: The Trojan horse.

BUFFY: Adam's gonna make sure the demons attack the Initiative from the inside.

XANDER: Demons versus soldiers. Massacre, massacre.

WILLOW: And Adam has a neat pile of body parts to start assembling his army. Diabolical, yet...(makes a face) Gross.

XANDER: Does anybody else miss the Mayor, I just wanna be a big snake?

BUFFY: I've got to shut him down, Giles. His final phase is about to start.

GILES: We need to warn the Initiative.

BUFFY: They're not gonna listen to me.

WILLOW: Riley?

BUFFY: He's a deserter. He got some bad news anyway, and kinda took off.

XANDER: Okay, I'm confused again. Adam has this evil plan. Why is he so anxious for you to know about it?

BUFFY: He wants me there. Probably figures I'll even the kill ratio.

XANDER: He's not worried you might kill, oh say, him?

BUFFY: No, he's really not.

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written by: David Fury; Transcribed by Sean Johnson . Full transcript at:
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