Wes: Angel seems to be taking this case very personally.
from Conviction (Season 5)
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WESLEY: You got anything, Fred?

FRED: I'm not sure. We've isolated a few strains which fries may have had access to.

WESLEY: Any antidote?

FRED: Nothing. The antidote probably died with the tech guy that made the virus.

WESLEY: Fries must be immune. There has to be—

FRED: And we're not even sure which strain it is. I'm trying, Wesley.

WESLEY: I'm not doing much better. I can't disable the trigger if I don't know the magic word. Short of killing Fries, I—

FRED: That could trigger it, too.

WESLEY: I know. Back to our respective grindstones, I guess.

FRED: (RE: Angel) He gonna be all right?

WESLEY: He does seem to be taking it very personally.

FRED: Probably this place. It gets to you.

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written by: Joss Whedon; Original transcript by CariCranberry. Edited & formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
VIEWCOUNT (through last month): 18

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