Lilah RE: Holtz: So what we're dealing with is a single minded vengeance machine with a bloodlust to match.
from Dad (Season 3)
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(Lilah is sitting crosslegged on the floor of the File room, surrounded by papers and files.)

LILAH: This is impossible. Two hundred seventy five years of the most inane... What kind of wussy name is Liam anyway? - Okay. You're at the hotel. The pirate is about to kill Angel. Angel calls him - what? What was it? - Hose. - Hope.

WOMAN: Holtz?

LILAH: What?'

WOMAN: Holtz, Daniel, vampire killer, circa seventeen fifty four. He hunted Angel and Darla halfway around the world until his mysterious disappearance in seventeen seventy three. Larson McMillian Vampiricus Conquestus page four twelve.

LILAH: How did you...

WOMAN: I'm files and records. It's my job.

LILAH: You mean I've been sitting here for the last fourteen hours...

WOMAN: Ah-hmm.

LILAH: To find that you know everything that's in this case file.

WOMAN: No, Miss Morgan.


WOMAN: I know everything in every case file. I'm Files and Records, it's my...

LILAH: ...your job. Unbelievable. So what's the skinny on Holtz then? Why the big hate-on for Angel?

WOMAN: Just a moment.

(She sits back and her eyes flicker while we hear a rattling sound.)

WOMAN: Seventeen sixty-four. Angel and Darla kill Holtz, Caroline, Holtz, Sarah, and Holtz, Daniel infant son.

LILAH: Massacred his family. That'll do it.

WOMAN: Holtz vows to revenge their blood, May seventeen sixty-four. Pursues Angel and Darla relentlessly for nine years, racking up an incidental body count of three hundred seventy-eight vampires in the meantime.

LILAH: So what we're dealing with is a single minded vengeance machine with a bloodlust to match. That's just - awesome.

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written by: David H. Goodman; Original transcript anonymous. Edited and formatted for this site by me.. Full transcript at:
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