Angel: I'm ending this. now.
from I've Got You Under My Skin (Season 1)
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ANGEL: That was too close.

WESLEY: I let my guard down. It won’t happen again.

ANGEL: You’re not going back in there.

WESLEY: Angel!

ANGEL: It’s too dangerous. He could’ve killed you, Wesley.

SETH: And my son? What about him?

(The kitchen table begins to shake and the marbles roll out of their bag and spell out ‘Save Me.’)

WESLEY: Angel, we don’t have a choice.

RYAN: (in Doyle's voice) The good fight, yeah?

(The doors to the bedroom spring open and Ryan sits on the bed, laughing.)

RYAN: Guess who’s here, Angel. He’s talking to me right now. Doyle wants to ask why you couldn’t protect him.

(Angel rips a strip off one of the kitchen towels, wraps it around his hand then picks up the cross laying on the table.)

SETH: What are you doing?

ANGEL: Ending this.

CORDELIA: (arriving) So all they only had was...

ANGEL: Get it ready.

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written by: David Greenwalt & Jeanine Renshaw; Original transcript by anoymous. Edited, formatted for this site and checked against source by me.. Full transcript at:
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